Saturday, August 1, 2015

Pesto Pasta

      I like good food. That's obvious. But sometimes good food can be expensive or complicated to make. The trick is finding something that is reasonably priced, easy to make, and absolutely delicious. There is a pasta dish I started making a few months ago that meets this criteria. The original recipe I found here on Damn Delicious. Here is how I make it.


1 box of your favorite pasta
Pesto (homemade or store bought. I recommend Fresh & Easy Pesto)
1 Avocado
Chicken (I use Fresh & Easy pre cooked chicken)
1 Egg
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Garlic Salt
Parmesan Cheese


1. Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees. Wait until pre-heated to continue.
2. Once the oven is pre-heated, start preparing the asparagus. Lay wax paper over a shallow baking pan. Place the desired amount of asparagus in the pan and pour olive oil and balsamic vinegar onto the asparagus. Generously sprinkle salt and pepper over the asparagus. Set aside.
3. Fill a pot up with water and bring to a boil. Place pasta into the water and cook for the amount of time stated on the box. 
4. Place the asparagus into the oven and cook for 15 minutes.
5. Once the pasta is done add the pesto.
6. Cut an avocado and add it to the pasta.
7. Once the asparagus is done, take out and let cool. Slice into pieces and add it to the pasta.
8. Heat up the chicken and add it to the pasta.
9. Stir all of these ingredients together in the pot. Add garlic salt to taste. 
10. Fry an egg to your preference and place it on top of the pasta before serving. (I prefer my egg yolk a bit runny and I use garlic salt and pepper to season it while it's cooking)
11. Go crazy with the parmesan!

      It is super filling and incredibly delicious. It also keeps really well! I hope you enjoy. :)

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